2 spots left for Peru Trip!
2 spots left for Peru Trip!
This retreat features two types of healing processes:
1.) Payanti, which is a Shipibo for "to fan away", is a time of deep purification and cleansing working only with Ayahuasca, and is the mode of healing for those who are joining for a week to two weeks. Those who are seeking to complete a master plant diet ( sama) are also required to do a full week of Payanti, followed by two weeks of working with their master plants.
2.) Sama (Dieta), which is the working with to achieve a harmonic integration and collaboration with the conscious energy of a master plant.
In Payanti, we'll be having three ceremonies a week attending traditional Shipibo ceremonies working with Ayahuasca. Ayahuasca (pronounced ah-yah-WAH-ska) is a sacred Amazonian plant medicine with profound therapeutic and spiritual potential; In Peruvian shamanic traditions, Ayahuasca is considered to be female and is regarded as a kind of mother, or grandmother. Ayahuasca derives from the Quechua words aya-spirit/dead, waska-vine/rope and can be translated as “vine of the dead.” Ayahuasca can be a very powerful tool in a person’s healing journey, whether this be physical, mental, emotional or spiritual; The Shipibo tradition is widely regarded as the most intact and profound of the indigenous traditions that use ayahuasca. We are excited to having the opportunity to offer an all Black space to work with Shipibo style and medicine.
Benefits of Ayahuasca:
For Jakon Rate and our family, healing and learning are interconnected through the respected and time honored practice of isolation and meditation with dietary and other energetic restrictions. Known as samá in her language, this ancient cultural practice is commonly called dieta, from the Spanish language. The practice of samá or “dieta” is the spiritual and therapeutic practice of isolation and abstaining from ingesting and interacting with certain foods and energies while making an intentional energetic connection with the consciousness or spirit of a specific plant. It is said and sung that the ancestors of the Shipibo-Konibo initiated this practice 200,000 years ago by sitting with a plant in fasting meditation until a communicative connection was made.
While the medicinal properties of plants can help one address physical components of an illness, the meditative and spiritual practice of the samá promotes a more profound and lasting healing by helping one to recognize and resolve the root energetic causes. In other words, this practice can lead to genuine, deep-level healing through naturally balancing the body, mind, spirit and energy. Lessons are taught spontaneously throughout the course of the samá through meditation, traditional ceremony, and dreams, and this continues even after the period of samá in isolation has ended. All in all, samá has the potential to be a life changing experience with the lifelong commitments, challenges, and benefits of living in balance with the essence of creation—with love.
Bobinsana (Sémein), a relative of the mimosa tree, tends to grow alongside water such as rivers and streams and is particularly populous along the Huallaga and Mayo rivers in Eastern Peru. Different elements of the plant will be prepared in a variety of ways, depending on the medicinal purpose. For example, the bark is frequently extracted, then deconcocted or boiled for a long period of time in order to treat rheumatism, to act as a contraceptive and to stimulate the nervous system. The same process is repeated with the roots of the shrub to treat disorders of the uterus and to cleanse the blood. The entire plant may be boiled, (that includes the leaves, stems, bark, root, and flowers) to energize the body and mind.
In the Shipibo traditions, this shrub is a teacher, first and foremost and is well known for its gentle stimulating effects and its ability to open the heart to greater compassion, strength, and guidance from the spirit realm. It is also beneficial for enhancing dream states or lucid dreaming, where emotional trauma can be healed.
Bobinsana helps balance the emotional and physical bodies. It is particularly helpful in resolving the energetic harm of emotional trauma and is great for arthritis and rheumatism. It can be particularly helpful in the areas of grief, heartbreak, loss, and emotional imbalances, and is also used by the Shipibo-Konibo to stimulate and strengthen the body.
Noyá Ráo literally means “flying medicine” and is also referred to in Spanish as the Palo Volador (flying tree), or Palo Sagrado (sacred tree). Noyá Ráo is indeed a very sacred tree for some Shipibo-Konibo, but is unknown by many others, as its existence was forgotten while their oral tradition lost influence and began to disappear due to European colonization that began in the mid 1600’s.
The tree has not been classified botanically yet plays a central role in Shipibo-Konibo cosmology and is linked to the concepts of the World Tree or Food Tree that are common in Indigenous stories and wisdom. It is also linked to other traditional stories that identify it with the first Konibo village, known as Komankaya or Cumancaya. It grew legendary as it disappeared from the landscape and from the collective memory of most for many years.
Noyá Ráo is a foundational learning samá, and the teachings are of immense value for one’s personal development and spiritual growth, as it can help one gain a full understanding of healing energy and spirit. It is said to be the healer’s samá, the Light of the World, and the Path of Truth. Noyá Ráo is described as pure light and love. In learning to master the life-giving energy of love it can put forth monumental tests to help us fully understand the opposing and cyclical forces of creation and destruction.
This dieta is said to enhance one’s connection and relationships to the spirits indwelling in other sacred plants and to facilitate profound transformation in the individual. Dieting this great timber can lead to greater capacity for organized thought, mental clarity, activate one’s intuitive capacities and help to bring to light unconscious assumptions one may have about the world; in turn leading the dietero (a) to develop the courage necessary to abandon limiting beliefs and change their perceptions.
Mókapari (Chiric Sanango) or Brunfelsia grandiflora is an Amazonian shrub that sprouts brilliant purple and white flowers. Growing to around 8 to 10 feet in height, they are well known for a beautiful flower display. This evergreen shrub has simple, oblong shaped green leaves in it’s foliage. A relatively dense plant, it grows moderately fast and upright in the jungle. The flowers have a pleasant fragrance, flowering best in the summer, however can also thrive in the spring and fall in many climates. With brown, medium thickness stems, few problems with pests and diseases seem to affect this shrub, which adapts well to a variety of soil conditions.
It is a member of the nightshade family and grows abundantly throughout South America. In the native Peruvian language of the amazon, Quechua, “Chiric” literally translates as “itchy” or “tickling” which refers to both the prickly sensation in the throat when the brew is swallowed and one of Chiric’s most memorable physical effects: itching. Like many traditional amazonian master plants, Chiric Sanagno is revered for both its medicinal and spiritual qualities.
Mókapari is a powerful master plant that works on the central nervous system, as well as the physical body. This teacher plant helps one to regain and improve energetic sensitivity, repair and optimize the nerves, muscles, joints, and bones, and enhance the physiological communication between the body and the mind. Dieting mókapari can sometimes be challenging physically, as you may experience shivers, trembling, numbness in extremities, pain, or other uncomfortable physical sensations at particular moments. All of this is normal.
If you are looking to increase your use of willpower, have concentrated decision making, and live a more open life with bravery to follow your heart, then consider using brunfelsia grandiflora. It has the innate ability to move through energetic blockages held within, allowing them to dissipate. Used in the right way, with proper mental and physical preparation, this gorgeous purple shrub is not to be taken lightly.
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